Martin Lemoine
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS - Sorbonne U)
28/11/2019 09:30
Fabien Casse
(APC - Université de Paris)
28/11/2019 10:00
Benoit Cerutti
28/11/2019 10:30
Benjamin Crinquand
28/11/2019 11:30
Sébastien Lambert
(SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris)
28/11/2019 12:20
Geodetic VLBI is a powerful technique that has been used for 40 years to monitor the Earth’s rotation and realize the terrestrial and celestial reference frames with an unprecedented precision (< 0.1 mas). Recently, it has permitted the construction of the third realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF3) which is currently the most precise celestial reference frame....
Christophe Sauty
28/11/2019 14:00
Gaëtan Fichet de Clairfontaine
(LUTH Observatoire de Paris)
28/11/2019 14:35
Frédéric Vincent
28/11/2019 14:55
Gilles Henri
(IPAG/Observatoire de Grenoble/UGA)
28/11/2019 15:25
Anton Dmytriiev
(LUTH Observatoire de Paris)
28/11/2019 16:25
Olivier Hervet
28/11/2019 16:45
Matteo Cerruti
(Institut de Ciències del Cosmos - Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB))
29/11/2019 09:30
Frédéric Daigne
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Sorbonne Université)
29/11/2019 10:30
Zeljka Bosnjak
(FER - University of Zagreb, Croatia)
29/11/2019 11:30
Raphaël Duque
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
29/11/2019 12:00
Guillaume Dubus
29/11/2019 12:20
Julien Malzac
(IRAP (CNRS/Université de Toulouse/CNES))
29/11/2019 14:00
Pierre-Olivier Petrucci
29/11/2019 14:30
Arthur Charlet
29/11/2019 15:00