Mathieu Servillat
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris - CNRS)
14/12/2021 10:00
Véronique Delouille
(Observatoire royal de Belgique)
14/12/2021 10:40
Coronal holes (CH) are seen as dark features on EUV images of the Sun. They are the source of the fast solar wind, and as such are closely monitored. The CH feature recognition module named SPoCA-CH was developped at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Since 2010, one version of this software is running at LMSAL and provides near-real time detection of coronal holes. We would like to provide the...
Stephane Erard
(LESIA/PADC - Obs Paris)
14/12/2021 11:00
Jean-Marc Petit
14/12/2021 11:20
Nicolas Bruot
14/12/2021 11:40
AMHRA: Analysis and Modeling at High Angular Resolution
MP3C: Minor Planet Physical Properties Catalogue
Michèle Sanguillon
(LUPM - IN2P3 - CNRS),
Patrick Maeght
14/12/2021 14:20
Jose Enrique Ruiz
14/12/2021 14:40
Mathieu Servillat
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris - CNRS)
14/12/2021 15:00
Mathieu Servillat
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris - CNRS)
14/12/2021 15:10
ProvSAP access to provenance graphs
François Bonnarel
14/12/2021 16:00
Mathieu Servillat
(LUTH, Observatoire de Paris - CNRS)
14/12/2021 16:20