Vidyut Kaushal - Technological Advances in Trapped Ions Systems

Salle Denisse (ex Atelier) (Paris)

Salle Denisse (ex Atelier)


Salle Denisse (ex Atelier)



A trapped ions system is a key element of modern quantum technology. Universal quantum computers, quantum simulators, quantum sensing, and high-precision atomic clocks are some of the key promises of this scientific breakthrough[1]. In this talk, I will present the idea of the trapped ion system as a scalable quantum processor and focus on the recent technological advances in individual control of ions in the ion traps based on shuttling architecture [2] (a quantum processor).

[1] Ehud Altman et al. PRX Quantum 2, (2021) 017003
[2] Kaushal et. al. AVS Quantum Science 2.1 (2020) p.014101



    • 11:00 12:30
      Technological Advances in Trapped Ions Systems 1h 30m


      A trapped ions system is a key element of modern quantum technology. Universal quantum computers, quantum simulators, quantum sensing, and high-precision atomic clocks are some of the key promises of this scientific breakthrough[1]. In this talk, I will present the idea of the trapped ion system as a scalable quantum processor and focus on the recent technological advances in individual control of ions in the ion traps based on shuttling architecture [2] (a quantum processor).

      [1] Ehud Altman et al. PRX Quantum 2, (2021) 017003
      [2] Kaushal et. al. AVS Quantum Science 2.1 (2020) p.014101

      Orateur: Dr Vidyut Kaushal (SYRTE)