The goal of the meeting is to organize a 1.5/2.0 days CEVO workshop on Virtual Observatory High Energy ESFRI requirements during fall 2021 here is an agenda proposal : 1 ) Introduction : recalling previous CTAO/HEA/MM work and previous expression of requirements within CEVO scope. F Bonnarel -10' 2 ) summary of June 25th meeting : High level Cerenkov data and existing VO protocols (ObsCore, MOC, DataLink ...) Mireille or(and ?) Mathieu. - 10 ' 3 ) general discussion : requirements, wishes, first feedbacks from everybody : 40 ' 4 ) Organization of the future workshop : date, location, topics to address, proposal for invited talks, goals to achieve, proposal for an agenda. 30 ' There was a pre-meeting in June, the minutes of which prepared by Mireille and Mathieu have been uploaded to the CEVO wiki ( )