FP6 program JETSET finished 10 years ago. This program has boosted collaborations. It has been an intense creative moment, thanks to its PIs. To celebrate this anniversary and a few others, a small three days workshop is organized in Paris Observatory at Meudon beautiful palace, the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of May 2018, with the support of the CIAS (Centre International d’Ateliers Sientifiques) of the Observatoire de Paris.
A limited number of invited participants will have an intense brainstorming on the JETSET topics with various short presentations. How the JETSET seeds have been growing? What are the new issues and challenges? What should be done next bringing theory, experiments and simulations together towards the observations of the future?
The meeting may also be the kick off of a spin off serie or season 2 in a new ITN proposal.