17–19 mai 2016
Meudon site
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Oort Cloud evolution in a long-lived stellar cluster

17 mai 2016, 16:45
Amphitheater Building 18 (Meudon site)

Amphitheater Building 18

Meudon site

Talk The dynamic of comets The dynamic of comets


Hans Rickman (Uppsala University)


Solar type stars typically form as members of embedded clusters, which dissolve on different time scales depending on their masses and densities. Most such clusters are small and short-lived, and Oort Cloud (OC) formation has often been modeled within such a scenario. But Lada & Lada (2003) showed that about equal numbers of stars are formed in clusters with populations of 10^2, 10^3 and 10^4 stars. This makes it likely that the Sun's birth cluster was more long-lived than assumed in OC formation models. We have investigated what happens to the intermediate and outer parts (in terms of semi-major axis) of OCs that form very early in such massive and long-lived clusters. Our results indicate that the survival of a full-fledged OC after the Sun's escape from this birth cluster depends critically on the existence of a massive inner core, comparable in size to the Sedna population.

Auteur principal

Thomas Nordlander (Uppsala University)


Bengt Gustafsson (Uppsala University) Hans Rickman (Uppsala University)

Documents de présentation