Présidents de session
The physics of comets
- Nicolas Biver
The physics of comets
- Małgorzata Królikowska
The physics of comets
- Małgorzata Królikowska
alessandro morbidelli
18/05/2016 12:00
The physics of comets
Comets are often thought of as "pristine planetesimals". However, most cometary objects that we study are just a few km in size. Planetesimals this small are highly unlikely to be pristine planetesimals. In fact, the collisional environment in the trans-Neptunian planetesimal disk was very severe both before and during the giant planet instability phase that formed and sculpted the current...
Bjorn Davidsson
(Uppsala university)
18/05/2016 14:15
The physics of comets
For decades, comet scientists have debated whether comet nuclei are primordial
rubble piles, formed at their current sizes through gentle accretion in the Solar Nebula,
or if they are collisional rubble piles formed in the aftermath of violent collisions
between larger parent bodies. The Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and
the Stardust sample-return mission to comet...
Nicolas Biver
18/05/2016 15:00
The physics of comets
For the last 3 decades, infrared and especially microwave techniques
have enabled the detection of up to 26 different parent molecules in the
coma of comets. Several molecules have been detected in over 40 different
comets. A large diversity of composition is seen in the sample, comprising
comets of various dynamical origin. Abundances relative to water for the
molecules can vary by a...
Maria Antonietta Barucci
(LESIA - Paris Observatory)
18/05/2016 16:15
The physics of comets
The study of the small bodies that orbit the Sun beyond Neptune, the transneptunian objects, has completely changed our view of the Solar System. The last decade, a huge quantity of data has been obtained by ground large telescopes and by space missions.
Various surface compounds have been detected, including ices of water, methane, nitrogen, methanol, ethane and ammonia. An overview for all...
Slawomira Szutowicz
(Space Research Centre)
18/05/2016 17:00
The physics of comets
In comets the anisotropic gas emission from their nuclei have been discovered in gas jets, fans, close-up images of cometary nuclei provided by missions, asymmetric shapes of the cometary gas production curves with respect to perihelion, asymmetric non-gravitational forces perturbing the cometary orbits and finally in the spectral imaging of comets in the molecular lines. The evidence of...