Feb 7 – 11, 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

The Planetary Mapping Winter School will be held online 7th – 11th February 2022. The school will be dedicated to the process of creating planetary geologic maps on the Moon, Mercury and Mars.

The school will cover all the topics that are necessary to produce high-quality planetary cartography:

  • Introduction to features and processes specific to Solar System objects.
  • Basics of remote sensing and multispectral data exploitation
  • GIS usage, based on QGIS Open Source software (project creation, and layout)
  • Practical collaborative mapping with dedicated instructor on each planetary body (1 full day each)
  • Principles of crater counting
  • Geologic cross-sections and stratigraphic sections creation
  • Seminars and talks from invited international guests
  • The school will include frontal lectures, practical demonstrations and group-work activities for practicing mapping on the Moon, Mercury and Mars.

Introductory knowledge of geoscience is helpful.

Accessing materials from the previous edition of the school is also advised, beforehand.

Access to materials will be provided using the Indico platform (this platform). Data will be hosted on cloud services and they will be made available for download to participants in due time.

For up-to-date news on the event please check planetarymapping.eu


Registrations are free and withdrawal will be possible any time before the beginning of the school. We strongly encourage registered participants to withdraw as soon as they know it will not be possible for them to participate.

Admissions to the school are limited by the number of instructors, hence a selection might be done using the statement of interest provided in the registration form.

To apply for the school an indico account is required. It can be created for free during registration.

Certificate of participation

The school will release a certificate of attendance to all the participants who attended at least 75% of the mandatory events of the school and sent in proof of their work in the form of a map comprising:

  • Styled geological map 

  • Geological cross-section

  • Legend with units description

The map can be sent within 3 weeks from the end of the winter school.

If you live in a distant time zone and you will be able to only watch the recorded sessions you might still qualify to receive a certificate of attendance (more details are in the FAQ).

Online platforms

The WS will be held online over Zoom. Some events will be hosted over the GMAP Discord Server. Upon registration to the WS please use the same email you are using for your Zoom account. Access to materials will be provided using Indico platform. Data will be hosted on cloud platforms and they will be  made available for download to participants in due time.

Questions and contacts

If you have any question or issue, please reach out to info@planetarymapping.eu
