January 30, 2023 to February 3, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone


Will I be able to receive a certificate of participation if I will follow the recorded lessons?
Is it required to perform a mapping task in order to receive the certificate?
No. Upon completion of the school, there will be two types of certificates: One for normal participation, and one additional advanced certificate based on the map production linked to hands-on. The creation of a map is not mandatory for the basic certificate level. The mapping tasks for the advanced certificate will be individual, not group-based. 

How and when do I get the data?
You will receive an email with instructions several days before the school on how to download relevant data and software. Data are also linked from the Info for participants page.

How do I install mappy?
If you have questions about Mappy and its installation, please refer to the official documentation on https://mappy.readthedocs.io/en/master/ 

I am totally new to planetary science and I would need some guidance on data:
While many things are in common with Earth Remote Sensing, specific aspects can differ. We recommend to check resources such as https://openplanetary.org (or its forum - https://openplanetary.discourse.group). See also: https://github.com/europlanet-gmap/awesome-planetary-geology  

Will I be able to participate in the school even if I live in a distant time zone?
Yes. All sessions will be recorded and available few hour after their live broadcast. The school runs for five days. Its synchronous live real-time parts start at 9:00 and end for most days at 17:30 (CET time zone). Activities are divided in four blocks of 1.5h each. Typically the first one is lecture-like, the second two (1.5h x 2) are hands-on, the last one includes seminar talks related to the theme of the day. A special seminar event is also planned for Wednesday at 17:30-18:30.

I am already working on a planetary geologic mapping project. Can I present what I do?
Yes. You can  share a 5-minute video or presentation asynchronously. In case, please reach out to info@planetarymapping.eu

How do I install QGIS? I never worked with it.
Please refer to the official documentation on https://qgis.org/ 
Additional school-specific FAQ, tips and hacks are going to be linked from here.

How will you answer my questions during the school?
There will be dedicated Question & Answer slots throughout the school plus, if there is no time  for all questions and for eventual additional ones, GMAP Discord channels can be used for the purpose. Please note that if many questions are posed simultaneously, it might take some time to process them. Also, we will point to dedicated sources of information for generic questions (e.g. on QGIS). See also the Info for participants page.

My registration is awaiting approval still, is it okay or is something wrong?
That's totally ok. We will proceed to the approval as soon as the registrations are closed.

How do I get relevant references and documentation beyond the videos?
There is a dedicated GitHub repository with references, resources and links that you can use during and after the winter school. https://github.com/europlanet-gmap/winter-school-2023.

How and when do I get the required software?
You will receive an email with instructions several days before the school on how to download relevant data and software. See also the Info for participants page.