Oct 19 – 22, 2020
UTC timezone

Coordinating Python Development with PyHC

Oct 21, 2020, 2:02 PM


Julie Barnum (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics)


Many Heliophysics software projects are being developed in, or converted to, the Python programming language. The Python in Heliophysics Community (PyHC) has worked over the past two years to bring together the solar and space physics communities for the purpose of coordinating Python software development efforts. The goal of this work is to share knowledge and lessons learned, reduce the incidence of duplicated efforts, ascertain potential collaborations between PyHC projects, and ensure that existing software tools are interoperable and widely available. This presentation will showcase the efforts of the PyHC and increase awareness of the resources that the PyHC provides.

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Primary author

Julie Barnum (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics)


Presentation materials