Oct 19 – 22, 2020
UTC timezone

Scientific Program

The IHDEA-2020 meeting is held as a virtual meeting this year.

We have decided to take advantage of the 8 hours of the virtual meeting to focus on updates and have open discussions on IHDEA related topics.

Hence, all submitted abstracts have been selected as "Online Material". This means that all presentations will be available for online open access, so that anybody can view them on his/her own schedule.

The presentations planned for the plenary schedule will be short highlights on selected topics, with ample times reserved for discussions, where you will be able to contribute, possibly referring to your online material.

The list of topics to be addressed in this meeting (but not restrictively) is:

  • Interfaces and standards: status and development (HAPI, das2, HPEventList, EPN-TAP...)
  • Software libraries and frameworks: status and development (Autoplot, AMDA, SPEDAS…), coordination with PyHC
  • Data Repositories: status and development, certification, interfaces, metadata, data formats…
  • Persistent Identifiers (e.g., DOI): requirement and status (for each agency), scope, landing pages, international coordination
  • SPASE Model: status, discussion on naming authority, coordination with UIGONET
  • Use Cases: we also welcome presentations with use cases and science presentations that showcases the community needs, or the weaknesses/efficiency of the currently available tools.

Plenary sessions will be organised each day of the meeting, from 13:00 UT to 15:00 UT.

The presentation materials will be are available online for the participants.

The preferred format of the online materials are pre-recorded videos (10 minutes long). PDF files (poster-like or slides) are also acceptable, although this will reduce the impact of the presentation.