The NASA Heliophysics Data Environment has been actively adding datasets (PSP, ICON, GOLD, SolO, etc.); working on moving the large SDO data archive to the Solar Data Analysis Center at GSFC; adding DOIs to NASA datasets; and other projects. The NASA HPDE has also been working with NASA HQ to develop a "data system of the future" known as the NASA Heliophysics Digital Resource Library (HDRL),...
In the Earth’s upper atmosphere above about 60 km, including the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere, various phenomena are generated by energy inputs from higher regions (e.g., solar radiation, solar wind, and particle precipitation from the magnetosphere) and from the lower atmosphere (e.g., atmospheric waves). Thus, comprehensive analysis of various kinds of satellite and ground-based...
Digital Object Identifies (DOIs) can be used to create a Permanent ID (PID) for any digital entity, be it a published article, a numerical dataset, a software program, an image, a model, or even a sound. The key is having a home for the object that will not go away, or that will transfer the object to a new home if it does. The DOI must point to a "landing page" URL that contains the current...
For more than 20 years, the CDPP (the French Plasma Physics Data Centre) archives and gives access to heliophysics and planetology datasets.
Community and uses have changed over time in particular the need for interoperability, through formats, metadata and model standards. In this context, taking advantage of the evolution of the SIPAD archiving system and CNES storage strategy, the CDPP...
During the EU-FP7 project « Integrated Medium for Planetary Exploration » (IMPEx), an interface between planetary simulation databases and online data processing tools has been developped [Khodachenko et al, 2011]. One of the efforts of the IMPEx project was to specify a language describing the data that exchanged between the simulation databases and the visualization tools [Hess et al,...
Observatoire de Paris is hosting and managing Solar observations facilities (in Meudon and Nançay), Radio astronomy instruments (Nançay), and is producing and distributing Heliophysics data collections. The PADC (Paris Astronomical Data Centre) and the CDN (Nançay Data Centre) teams are working on describing and registering those resources in the HPDE registry, using the SPASE data model. We...
The Heliophysics Application Programmer's Interface (HAPI) offers a standardized way for data providers to serve time series data. HAPI offers a lowest common denominator set of request features and a simple streaming data transport protocol that can represent existing data holdings with little or no information loss. We present a brief overview of the specification, including recent and...
Das2 describes a collection of cooperating programs originally created to support daily review and analysis activities of the Cassini RPWS investigation. The system proved to be useful and is now relied upon for rapid access to working data sets from many missions including Galileo, Polar, Cluster, Voyager, Mars Express and Juno as well as ground based radio astronomy results from the...
We shortly introduce TAP and EPN-TAP in the context of the IHDEA. TAP is the Table Access Protocol, a science agnostic API to search into relational databases. EPN-TAP is a TAP interface, with a specific metadata dictionary specifying the table columns. EPN-TAP is dedicated to solar system sciences (planetary and heliophysics).
BASS2000 was originally devoted to the dissemination of French ground-based solar observations. But it extends now to Portuguese (Coimbra) and Belgian (Brussels) observations. Added values are also available, such as a high-resolution quiet Sun spectrum ranging from UV to IR, connected with the virtual observatory VAMDC.
AMDA is both an online space data analysis tool and database which serves the heliophysics and planetology communities. It is developed and maintained by the CDPP for more than 15 years and has always had interoperability in its high priorities. A recent update of AMDA made its data distributed via HAPI thanks to the use of the official node-js HAPI server and the implementation of a binding...
Status update on the SDAC and the VSO
The Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) and the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) provide infrastructure in support of the international heliophysics community. In this presentation I will describe:
- New datasets stored at the SDAC
- New datasets made available via the VSO
- Upcoming data storage responsibilities...
The ERG(Arase) Science Center serves as a hub of the ERG project, providing data files in a common format (CDF) and developing the space physics environment data analysis software for IDL/SPEDAS. These tasks contribute to the ERG project by achieving quick analysis and well-organized conjugate ERG satellite and ground-based observations. In this presentation, we report the current status of...
The goal of the SOLARNET Virtual Observatory (SVO) is to provide easy access to the data of ground based solar telescopes and satellite data to the larger scientific community. The SVO is designed to let users search across multiple datasets from different instruments by letting the users search on a time range, on events or instrument characteristics in a central metadata database.
We will...
MEDOC, created as the European data and operations center for SoHO, also hosts data from STEREO, SDO, and other solar physics space missions. Data from observations and derived data are distributed through interfaces including a SiTools instance providing a web interface and web services. In addition, we are developing an EPN-TAP service for derived data sets produced by MEDOC. We will report...
For the promotion of the Hinode science output, a Japanese science center is formed at ISEE, Nagoya University, where analysis tools, calibration, and the computer environment for data analysis are provided to the researchers. In this talk, we discuss the current status of Hinode science center at ISEE. Recently, Solar-C(EUVST) (EUV High-Throughput Spectroscopic Telescope) mission is discussed...
The SPDF archive has added GOLD, Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter data in the past year and is working on ICON data and final data from Van Allen Probes. We present the various activities from the past year and current status.
The SPEDAS software package includes several features designed to support discovery, download, and analysis of heliophysics data sets without the need to develop mission-specific load routines. In this presentation, we will briefly demonstrate some of these tools, including downloads via NASA's CDAWeb service, the Heliophysics API (HAPI), and the DAS2 protocol. We will discuss the metadata...
The French Plasma Physics Data Centre (CDPP, initially established by CNES and CNRS aims to providing access to local and remote data, designing and building science driven analysis tools for observational data as well as results from models and numerical simulations. Other tools like the Propagation Tool or 3DView allow users to put their data in context and interconnect with...
[MASER][1] (Measuring, Analysing and Simulating Radio Emissions) provides a comprehensive infrastructure dedicated to low frequency radio emissions (typically < 50 to 100 MHz). The four main radio sources observed in this frequency are the Earth, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. They are observed either from ground (down to 10 MHz) or from space (down to a few kHz). Ground observatories are more...
Many Heliophysics software projects are being developed in, or converted to, the Python programming language. The Python in Heliophysics Community (PyHC) has worked over the past two years to bring together the solar and space physics communities for the purpose of coordinating Python software development efforts. The goal of this work is to share knowledge and lessons learned, reduce the...
The goal of the SunPy project is to facilitate and promote the use and development of community-led, free, and open source data analysis software for solar physics based on the scientific Python environment. The project achieves this goal by developing and maintaining the SunPy core package, supporting an ecosystem of affiliated packages, and educating the solar physics community about the...
The mission of the PlasmaPy project is to foster the creation of an open source software ecosystem for plasma research and education. The PlasmaPy package contains the core functionality needed by most plasma scientists, while community-developed affiliated packages will contain more specialized functionality. Because plasma science is vital to much of heliophysics and astronomy, PlasmaPy is...
Other packages update
PyHC/IHDEA interactions
Open discussion
Working group proposal
Setting up contributors and goals