Oct 19 – 22, 2020
UTC timezone

HAPI Update and Recent Developments

Oct 20, 2020, 2:00 PM


Jon Vandegriff (JHU Applied Physics Lab)


The Heliophysics Application Programmer's Interface (HAPI) offers a standardized way for data providers to serve time series data. HAPI offers a lowest common denominator set of request features and a simple streaming data transport protocol that can represent existing data holdings with little or no information loss. We present a brief overview of the specification, including recent and proposed changes. We also describe existing implementations for servers as well as progress on client libraries and tools for accessing HAPI-compliant data.

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Primary author

Jon Vandegriff (JHU Applied Physics Lab)


Dr Robert Weigel (George Mason University) Jeremy Faden (Cottage Systems, Inc.) Dr Aaron Roberts (NASA GSFC) Todd King Eric Grimes (UCLA) Nand Lal Bernard Harris (GSFC) Robert Candey (GSFC) Scott Boardsen (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

Presentation materials