19–22 oct. 2020
Fuseau horaire UTC

Annual meeting of the International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance (ihdea.net). 

The IHDEA meeting is held as a virtual meeting this year.

The goal of the IHDEA is to encourage the use of common standards and services in order to enable sharing of data and to enhance science. The term heliophysics encompasses all studies of our Sun and its interactions with Solar System objects and beyond, their consequences for and feedback from those objects, including space weather and space climate.

The IHDEA Charter provides the full details of the mission statement and scope.

All presentations will be available online (either slides or pre-recorded video presentations). 

The detailed schedule is available here:

Local Organisation Committee: Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris), Jean Aboudarham (Observatoire de Paris), Pierre Le Sidaner (Observatoire de Paris), Arnaud Masson (ESA), Jean-Christophe Malapert (CNES)

Science Organisation Committee: Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris), Arnaud Masson (ESA), Shing Fung (NASA)

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