Oct 19 – 22, 2020
UTC timezone

Registering Resources from Observatoire de Paris and Nançay in HPDE

Oct 20, 2020, 1:46 PM


Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris)


Observatoire de Paris is hosting and managing Solar observations facilities (in Meudon and Nançay), Radio astronomy instruments (Nançay), and is producing and distributing Heliophysics data collections. The PADC (Paris Astronomical Data Centre) and the CDN (Nançay Data Centre) teams are working on describing and registering those resources in the HPDE registry, using the SPASE data model. We present here the current status of the work, and the issues and challenges that have been encountered.

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Primary authors

Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris) Alan Loh (LESIA - Observatoire de Paris - PSL) Pierre Le Sidaner (DIO - Observatoire de Paris - PSL) Mr Julien GIrard (CEA-Saclay) Mr Emmanuel Thetas (USN, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL, Université d'Orléans) Jean Aboudarham (LESIA)

Presentation materials