Oct 19 – 22, 2020
UTC timezone

PlasmaPy: An open source Python package for plasma research and education

Oct 21, 2020, 2:27 PM


Nicholas Murphy (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)


The mission of the PlasmaPy project is to foster the creation of an open source software ecosystem for plasma research and education. The PlasmaPy package contains the core functionality needed by most plasma scientists, while community-developed affiliated packages will contain more specialized functionality. Because plasma science is vital to much of heliophysics and astronomy, PlasmaPy is being developed to be interoperable with Astropy while in communication with the Python in Heliophysics Community. PlasmaPy is being developed to include commonly used plasma formulae, object-oriented representations of particles, base classes for plasma simulations, and tools for plasma diagnostics and analysis.

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