Digital Object Identifies (DOIs) can be used to create a Permanent ID (PID) for any digital entity, be it a published article, a numerical dataset, a software program, an image, a model, or even a sound. The key is having a home for the object that will not go away, or that will transfer the object to a new home if it does. The DOI must point to a "landing page" URL that contains the current location and general information about the resource, as well as one or more methods or links to access the object (ftp site, web page, web service pointer). Required descriptive terms are a title, a "creator" (aka author), a publisher (provider of the object; typically a repository), a publication date, a type (mostly "dataset" in this context), and an identifier (the DOI itself). DOIs are registered by members of DOI organizations (the NASA Heliophysics Data Environment--HPDE--is a member of datacite.org, which in turn belongs to the International DOI Foundation, https://doi.org/). The most difficult part of "minting" DOIs is to generate a landing page. For this purpose, for datasets, NASA HPDE is using the SPASE data product registrations (see https://heliophysicsdata.gsfc.nasa.gov), which contain the required links and much more information. Our plan is to work with the MASA missions, mainly via Project Scientists, to mint DOIs for data-product-level (SPASE Numerical Data Products) for all the current and prior NASA observatories. The most important element is getting agreement on the Creators of the datasets. The process should improve product metadata in general.
Abstract | I accept that the content of my abstract is present in the book of abstracts. |
Online Material | I give my consent to share my material with the conference participants. |
Open access | I authorise the IHDEA to openly distribute my presentation material. |