Nicola Poli
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia & LENS - Univ. Firenze)
In this talk I'll present the most recent results on a large
momentum transfer (LMT) Mach-Zehnder atom interferometer with
ultra-cold strontium atoms [Mazzoni2015].
LMT Bragg diffraction pulses (up to eight photon recoils) are
applied to atoms in free fall, launched upward with an accelerated lattice. We then use the strontium interferometer as a gravimeter, demonstrating best sensitivity of dg/g=4×10^-8.
Thanks to the special characteristics of strontium atoms for
precision measurements [Poli2011], this result introduces
new possibilities for experiments in fundamental and
applied physics, as high precision measurements of gravity and
gravity gradients, and precision test of Einstein Equivalence
principle [Tarallo2014].
[Poli2011] N. Poli, F.-Y. Wang, M. G. Tarallo, A. Alberti, M.
Prevedelli, G. M. Tino “Precision measurement of gravity with cold
atoms in an optical lattice and comparison with a classical
gravimeter”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 038501 (2011)
[Tarallo2014] M. G. Tarallo, T. Mazzoni, N. Poli, D. V. Sutyrin,
X. Zhang, and G. M. Tino, “Test of Einstein Equivalence Principle
for 0-spin and half-integer-spin atoms: Search for spin-gravity
coupling effects”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 023005 (2014)
[Mazzoni2015] T. Mazzoni, X. Zhang, R. Del Aguila, L. Salvi, N.
Poli, and G. M. Tino “Large-momentum-transfer Bragg interferometer
with strontium atoms", Phys. Rev. A 92, 053619 (2015)
Auteur principal
Nicola Poli
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia & LENS - Univ. Firenze)